Dianzheng Zhang Ph.D., PROFESSOR in the Department of Bio-Medical Sciences Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Show MoreDr. Nam-Sun PAIK, M.D., Ph.D Director & Chief Surgeon Pohang SM Christianity Hospital Cancer Center Hospital
Show MoreThe author received an honourable PhD in mathematics and majored in engineering at MIT. He attended different universities over 17 years and studied seven academic disciplines. He has spent 20,000 hours in T2D research. First, he studied six metabolic diseases and food nutrition during 2010 to 2013, then conducted his own diabetes research during 2014 to 2018. His approach is “quantitative medicine” based on mathematics, physics, optical and electronics physics, engineering modelling, signal processing, computer science, big data analytics, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His main focus is on preventive medicine using prediction tools. He believes that the better the prediction, the more control you have.
Show MoreSalam Titinchi is working at Department of Chemistry, University of the Western Cape, P/B X17, Bellville, 7535 Cape Town, South Afric
Show MoreEmanuel Castano University of Trento | UNITN · Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science Ph.D.
Show MoreRaffaele Pilla, University of South Florida | USF · Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Italy
Show MoreDr. Sujit Das is presently working as an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at NIT Warangal. He was awarded PhD from the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Durgapur. Dr. Das has 20 years of rich experience in teaching along with 11 years of experience in research in the quality educational sector. He has authored over 70 papers in the referred Journals and Conferences and scored 1800+ citations. He has research publications in prestigious journals like Applied Soft Computing, Neural Computing and Applications, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Soft Computing, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and many more. He is working as an active reviewer in many reputed Journals and Conferences. He is also a program committee member of several international conferences. Dr Das has achieved 3 Conference best paper awards in CSO 2014, Beijing, FICTA 2015, Durgapur, and FORBS 2018, Kolkata. Dr. Das is a well-known resource person in the Universal Human Values (UHV) field, which is required to nurture the human minds to bring feelings of happiness in ourselves, our family members, and our society from a larger perspective. He has delivered several talks on Universal Human Values in various workshops throughout India. He has organized several Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and Seminars. Moreover, he has chaired many sessions at prestigious conferences and delivered talks as an invited speaker in many FDPs, Seminars, and Conferences. Two students have completed their Ph.D. under his guidance, and five more students are doing their Ph.D. under his supervision. Moreover, Dr Das has supervised one Post Doc Fellow at NIT Warangal. The prestigious IEEE Society designated Dr. Das as a senior member of the IEEE. He is a Senior member of ORSI and a member of ACM. His research interests include Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, Machine learning, and Multi-criteria decision-making.
Show MoreDr. Ahmed A. Elngar is an Associate Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department at the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Beni-Suef University, Egypt. Dr. Elngar is also, an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the College of Computer Information Technology, American University in the Emirates, United Arab Emirates. Also, Dr. AE is Adjunct Professor at School of Technology, Woxsen University, India. Dr. AE is the Founder and Head of the Scientific Innovation Research Group (SIRG). Dr. AE is a Director of the Technological and Informatics Studies Center (TISC), Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Beni-Suef University. Dr. AE has more than 150 scientific research papers published in prestigious international journals and over 35 books covering such diverse topics as data mining, intelligent systems, social networks, and smart environment. Dr. AE is a collaborative researcher He is a member of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (EMS) and International
Show MoreMSc Degree in Microbiology, Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt, Very good (2023), Master of Business Administration (MBA) From Brooklyn institute, USA (2024), Premaster degree in microbiology, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt, Very good (2016), BSc Degree in Chemistry and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt, Very good (2012), Diploma in Analytical Biochemistry, Chemistry Department Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt, Very good (2013), International research publisher in scientific journals in Asia and Europe, Attended and participated as oral presentation in many scientific conferences, reviewer of many scientific articles in many international scientific journals.
Show MoreDr. Madhusudan B Kulkarni received a B.E. degree in Instrumentation Technology from B. V Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology (BVBCET), Hubballi, India, in 2013 and an M.Tech degree in Biomedical Electronics and Industrial Instrumentation in 2016. Received the Gold medal award during Master’s degree from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India. During his M.Tech, he worked on the Detection of Brain tumor using the random walk segmentation approach using MRI images. Received his Ph.D. degree in MEMS, Microfluidics, and Nanoelectronics Specialization, from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India. He worked on developing a Portable and Automated Thermal Management System for various Microfluidic platforms for point-of-care applications. He also developed a miniaturized DNA amplification system using the PCR technique for Biomedical Applications. He worked as a Sr. Assistant Professor, School of Electronics and Communication Engineering at KLE Technological University, Hubballi, Karnataka, India. He worked as a Research Analyst at Renalyx Health Systems (P) Ltd, Bengaluru, India. He holds 2 Indian Patents and has published <35 articles as a first author in reputed international journals, 12 book chapters, and 8 international/national conferences. He is a reviewer for IEEE Access, Nano Xpress (IOP), and Sensor International (KeAi+Elsevier) journal. He has received the TCS-RSP cycle-15 scholarship and international travel grant award during his Ph.D. He has also received the ReSMiQ Postdoctoral fellowship award from Canada. Worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin, United States. Currently, working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka, India. His research interests are Microfluidics, Biosensors, Nanomaterial Synthesis, and the development of Biomedical devices for POCT.
Show MoreDr. R.C.Satish Kumar practices one of the eight classical forms of Ayurveda called ‘Rasa Shastra’- Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics. During his nearly 15 years of clinical experience, he has conceptualized and developed research-based products, all based on classical references mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. These products have been based on clinical evidence created by him following good clinical practice. Some of his innovative treatment protocols for diseases like Chronic Pancreatitis, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Anaemia, Migraine, Renal Calculus and Bronchial Asthma have benefitted many patients and their families. He has also travelled all across the country and overseas and delivered more than 40 lectures, especially on data-based clinical practice in Ayurveda. Besides being actively engaged in his clinical research-cum-practice, he has contributed to the field by standardizing various Classical Herbo - Mineral Formulations. He strongly believes, Unless the treatment modalities are pharmacogenomically tested the therapeutic response is not guaranteed. He is instrumental in bringing funded Clinical Trial projects to IIISM, SRM IST from DST, Govt of India, AYUSH, Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore, Apex Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Chennai, etc. Currently working on one of the pioneer projects of CCRAS & ICMR on Osteoarthritis & SRM IST to launch an Herbal Anti - Diabetic Drug in public domain.
Show MoreDr. Amarnath Mishra has been working as Senior Faculty of Forensic Science, Program Leader and Quality Assessment & Enhancement Support at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India since August 2015. Prior to this, he had worked as Assistant Professor and promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology at Tribhuvan University, National Medical College and Lecturer in the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology at Kathmandu University, College of Medical Sciences, Nepal. He has 13+ years of experience in Academics, Research and Administration.
Show MoreThe individual has a strong work ethic and has received training to perform two major OTs, handle 50 OPDs, and administer chemotherapy within regular working hours from 8 AM to 5 PM. He is capable of independently managing this workload and often complete the work of two days in a single day. Additionally, He have received basic training in Robotic Surgical Oncology and intend to specialize in Colorectal, Gynecological, and Urological Oncology within the field of Robotic Surgery.x
Show MoreChikezie Kennedy Kalu’s field of research is Technology and Innovation Management. He is from Nigeria and has a B.Eng. in Electronics Engineering from The University of Nigeria Nsukka; Nigeria (UNN) and a Masters (with Distinction) in Communication Engineering from The University of Manchester, UK. Chikezie has also presented his research works at various international conferences; and continues to receive more invites to share his works at international conferences and global webinars. He was also awarded the International Best Researcher in Management Science and Engineering at the Asia Research Awards (International Congress for Research Excellence 2024) in India, in March 2024.
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